I love our Mama doesn't Cook night. You can take me out to dinner, you can bring me dinner, you can make me dinner. I don't care. I just want one night I know that for sure I know I don't cook.
Last week, my 10 year old son and my husband made us a dinner of hotdogs, hashbrowns, and frozen corn. Fantastic. Whatever works. I didn't have to cook. I love that they made stuff together and this is surely what my 10 year old thought would be an ideal meal.
Another option are Dinner Prep Companies that are popping up all over the place. These are industrial size kitchens that you assemble meals, package these meals, take them home, put them in the freezer, and then pop them in the oven when you need a healthy and nutritious meal for your family.
They do all the shopping for you, have the menus prepared for dozens of different dishes, and have all of the ingredients chopped up and ready for you to assemble. You can do the prep yourself or most of these places now have a Grab and Go feature. They have items that are already made and you or your dear husband can pick up on your way home. Or you could make it a fun night and bring some girlfriends and drink some dine and make a dozen dinners to take home and put in your freezer for "Mama Don't Cook Nights".
Type in "Dinner Prep Company" or "Meal Prep Companies " in your search engine to find the dinner prep company near you. Some of these might include:
- Dream Dinners at www.dreamdinners.com
- Easy Meal Prep at www.easymealprep.com
- EntreeVous at www.entreevous.com
- Fresh Prep Kitchens at www.freshprepkitchens.com
- Make and Take Gourment at www.makeandtakegourment.com
- Organic Dish at www.theorganicdish.com
- Meal in Minutes at www.amealinminutes.com
- SupperWorks at www.supperworks.com
- Time for Dinner at www.timefordinner.com
This isn't the most economical option, but there are several ways to make it more affordable. My sister-in-law has a list on her fridge of all of the local restaurants that have Kids Eat Free nights and she has found at least one option for each night of the week. She is prepared and ready to go out on any one of those nights.
I keep coupons in my purse that I have gotten in the mail or collected from the paper. Another good resource for coupons is the entertainment booklet you can get at www.entertainment.com. March of every year these go for 1/2 price. So, the entertainment book is only $12.50 if you wait until March 1st to buy it.
Next, I want a Mama Doesn't Do Dishes Night !
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